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Women in 2020 and beyond

Respected all,

Let’s heal together; grow together; and move forward together to help and guide ourselves and others towards gender equality in 2020 and beyond.

On Saturday March 14th, 2020 Our Global Village Charitable Foundationfamily invites women to come share what gender inequalities they have heard about or seen around them and what together we can and should do to remove them. Special invite is for those women who are working in the media, politics or are in leading roles in any organization as they are voices of us all.

Event will run from 12:00 to 3:00pm at 6882 King George Blvd, Surrey (FILME Academy). Lunch, tea, snacks and much care will be provided as always!

It is a free event, and is open for women of any age. Seating is limited. Please message us to share how many seats you would like to be reserved for you so that proper food and seating arrangements can be made to offer the due respect.

Such events are only made possible with the guidance, support and donations from the community memebers such as youself. We welcome and appreciate it all with much humility.

Love for all,

Meera Gill On behalf of OGV Foundation Together we can, together we will.

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